Lonny Ivan Meyer

I love capturing a moment in time, whether that moment be literal or figurative.  I have always passionately enjoyed being around the arts and wish to never have to leave. Over time, after experimenting in many different mediums of the art world, so far, photography is where I feel the most engaged and able to present and convey certain ideas and have a desire to continue developing.

Currently, I live in the Bay Area just a jump across the pond from San Francisco, in Berkeley, California. Having lived abroad for many years of my life, I feel very comfortable traveling, exploring and learning all about what this planet encompasses and us humans that inhabit it.

It is the details that people might gloss over in their daily lives that gives me motivation to share with the world what I see. We exist in an ever-expanding world that seemingly spins right past us at times. I hope for people to be able to relate emotionally to my work and to be able to be sympathetic to the imagery they are consuming, therefore connecting unknown subjects and objects with themselves and connecting people to themselves throughout this world. By accomplishing this, it is my hope that people will become more empathetic on a daily basis as they walk here and there.

I mainly work with digital, but also work and embrace the beauty and process of film photography. I also work with alternative printing methods that explore mixed media. If interested in prints, please reach out.

Be sure to have a look through my photo blog or Instagram for my most recent work.
